CONSCIENCE is a beautiful and profound concept. Consciousness is life´s silent power, the purest gift. It is nothing tangible but at the same time is everything. There could be an infinite amount of definitions about it and they could all be right in some ways; this is precisely the magic hidden in consciousness: defining consciousness in only few words would be limiting its infinite power of influence, its vastness as it reaches everything.
Consciousness are the glasses by which we see the world. If our consciousness is limited, we see a little. However, if our consciousness is bigger and expands, we see significantly more, our perspective gets wider, new possibilities arise; in such a case, we see more and better and so our consciousness encompasses much more. In addition, the more we train it and expands the more “present” we are.
Encompasses Present & Future
The moment we develop a sense of wider and deeper “consciousness”, we not only come to the realisation that consciousness is present in everything, but more importantly, it is also present in how we perceive the world and the way we do things. When we possess that sense of consciousness, there is also intrinsically a sense of “presence”, a sense of depth, of observance, of total presence. It is as if becoming one with the thing observed o with what is being done.
More over, due to the positive impact it has on wellbeing, it is highly recommended to train, build and practice a solid “state of consciousness”, improving all areas of life in general terms. Our level of consciousness will have a significant impact on our life: it is through improving that “state of consciousness” that we look at not only our own reality and our daily actions, but also the reality around us. As if it were not enough, the higher the level of consciousness of the individual the more time consciousness encompasses, envisioning and projecting the future in terms of decades.
It is present outside & within
Another beauty of an expanded “state of consciousness” is that it is “vigilant and functioning with care” in the outer reality as well as our inner world. While it lets the individual process information instead of reacting in the external world, it also pays attention to what is happening within: the inner self talk, emotions and feelings. Thus, whenever a negative feeling or emotion arises such as anxiety, worry or fear, there again consciousness detects it faster (than a lower level of consciousness) and brings the person back to the present moment. It act as a filter, protecting, reminding that everything is fine, and not reacting against “inner negative projections”. Once back to the present moment, the person “chooses” where to place attention again.
In conclusion, training, developing and expanding consciousness becomes crucial in life always operating in the individual´s interest, developing general wellbeing. Building consciousness is a gradual process where the individual can experience the external as well as inner benefits. Activities such as meditation, reading or performing a passion activates the level of consciousness, taking closer to wellbeing, to a life of joy, purpose and happiness.
What types of activities can I perform to be more present and awakens?
What can I do to expand my present moments to last more?
How can I shift my approach from reacting to stop, breath and “process information” to what happens?
May you be aware of the importance of expanding the power of your consciousness