Think of life as a garden: flowers and plants “wait and need” for someone to water and nurture the whole garden. Instead, you can choose to become active in life and become “the gardener”, making it beautiful by designing, watering and nurturing. “Shape your own garden”.
In life we can be passive relying on hope and external factors for something to happen in our lives leaving us at the mercy of circumstances. There is little to almost no control over our lives by “waiting to see what happens”. When we want “the fish” to be given to us is in most cases when frustration arises; as rarely “things just happen by chance, things usually happen by change”.
Instead, by taking responsibility and initiative of our own life, we are being “the reason” of our life to happen. We choose to be proactive, experience life, make changes, make progress, “we are being the drivers” of our own lives. Being the origin of your creation puts you in the seat of power, the maker, it is an act of empowerment and taking control, shaping your own way and decisions.
When using skills such as imagination and creativity you are transforming ideas into reality, bringing a dream down to earth and transforming the idea in tangible outcomes. This proactive approach is essential for an expanding life enriching growth, opportunities, resilience, creativity, responsibility. Make life happen means taking control over your life. Here, the heart has a lot to say. Pay attention to it and listen carefully.
Am I being active or passive when it comes to the most important decisions in my life?
Do I need to make a transition from a passive state to a more conscious, deliberate life?
Am I happy with my life and making it happen?
May you become conscious of your life and making it happen as you desire.
Muy bueno, yo creo que hay una palabra que puede sintetizar todo esto que es “involucrarse”. En la vida hay que involucrarse ser uno el que tomé el timón de su vida y decide para donde quiere ir (si bien sabemos que la vida te da sorpresas) porque después vienen las frustraciones.
Muchas gracias Francisco por el comentario!
Sin dudas que es así, involucrarse es vital es tener la iniciativa de ser uno mismo el generador de los cambios que deseamos realizar. No se trata de esperar, sino al contrario, es tener la iniciativa e ir a buscar: oportunidades, cambios, personas, situaciones, aprendizajes y demás.